HomeComponent Design

Now we can turn to the HomeComponent. This component lists all the current assessments and their respective details. Lets plan this out


This is where we start to get tricky. Remember this web app is dynamic, that means how it looks is dependent on the stored data. In the case, the number of rows in our HomeComponent is dependent on the number of relevant assessments stored in our Assessments table.

There are two things we need to achieve this:

  1. We need to retrieve a list of assessments data items from the Assessments table.

  2. We need a layout element that will display the rows from that list.

To retrieve the list we will create a new function called get_assessments in the assessment_service module.

To display the list we will use a layout element called a Repeating Panel. Repeating Panels display a list of items in a repeated pattern. When it is connected to a list of data items, the panel repeats for each data item. It is probably easier to understand in practice, so let’s get started.


Add repeating panel

Open the HomeComponent in the Design mode.

First step:

  1. add the fa:home icon to the title

  2. add a card under the title

adding card

Next you need to:

  1. find and click on Repeating Panel in the Layout Components

  2. place it in the layout by clicking on the card (check the blue line)

  3. Anvil will automatically open the repeating panel, rename it AssessmentPanel

  4. return to the HomeComponent click on repeating_panel_1 and change it’s role to card

repeating panel

Repeating panel layout

Now we need to add elements to the AssessmentPanel, so open it in Design mode.

  1. find the Column Panel and add it to the AssessmentPanel

column panel

  1. locate the Check Box and add it.

  2. rename the self.check_box_1 to self.check_box_completed

  3. delete text leaving it blank

check box

  1. add a label beside the check box (watch the blue line)

  2. rename it as label_subject

  3. change the role to the format you desire

  4. find and check bold

subject label

  1. add another label beside the label_subject

  2. rename the new label to label_details

  3. change the role to be the same as label_subject

details label

  1. add another label beside label_details

  2. rename it label_start

  3. change the role to be the same as label_subject

date start

  1. add a label beside date_picker_start

  2. change the text to to

  3. choose the same role as label_subject

to label

  1. add another label beside to

  2. rename it label_due

  3. change the role to be the same as label_subject

due date

  1. click on the column panel

  2. using the blue lines, change the column widths to best suit your content


We have now finished the layout, time to turn towards the code.