The Digital Solutions syllabus requires your to communicate using visual, written and spoken modes. Each of these modes have expectations.
Written mode#
Your written communication is expected to:
be grammatically correct, including spelling
use language appropriate for the audience
express ideas clearly and succinctly
use written elements like headings and contents pages
Visual mode#
Your visual communication is expected to:
have a clean and understandable layout
use layout elements like:
title pages
headers and footers
Spoken mode#
There is a spoke element to all your assessment instruments. This spoken communication is expected to:
be clear an understandable
not too fast nor too slow
at a volume which is easy to hear
not too much background noise
be formal in its tone
Unit 1 subject matter covered:
Communicate using the modes of visual, written and spoken communication to present data and information about digital solutions. [QCAA, 2017]
Unit 2 subject matter covered:
Communicate using the modes of visual, written and spoken communication to present data and information about digital solutions. [QCAA, 2017]
Unit 3 subject matter covered:
Communicate using the modes of visual, written and spoken communication to present data and information about digital solutions. [QCAA, 2017]
Unit 4 subject matter covered:
Communicate using the modes of visual, written and spoken communication to present data and information about digital solutions. [QCAA, 2017]