Development Environment#

Below is the workflow we will be using to create new development environments.


Development environments are as unique as each developer. You will develop your own workflows are your programming experience grows. But for now, follow these steps to ensure that your development environment is set up correctly.

Creating the development environment#

Create repository in GitHub Desktop#

The first step in creating your development environment is creating the GitHub repo for your project.

  1. Open GitHub Desktop

  2. Choose FileNew repository

github desktop new repo

  1. Fill in the Create a new repository dialogue box

    1. Add an appropriate name

    2. Choose the location on you computer to save the repo

    3. Check the Initialize this repository with a README

    4. Choose Python as the Git Ignore configuration

    5. Click Create repository

github desktop new repo details

  1. Click Publish repository

github desktop publish new repo

  1. Click Publish repository

github desktop publish repo

  1. Click Open in Visual Studio Code

github desktop open in VSC

Create virtual environment in VS Code#

  1. Open command panel

    • Windows → ctrl + shift + P

    • macOS → cmd + shift + P

  2. Type Python then select Python: Create Environment…

VS Code create environment 1

  1. Click the Venv option

VS Code create environment 2

  1. Choose the newest version of Python

VS Code create environment 3

  1. Wait for environment to be created

VS Code create environment 3