UI Design — Unit 3#
Unit 3 subject matter covered:
Refine ideas for components of a prototype digital solution
Generate low-fidelity user-interface prototypes appropriate to the digital context by using the elements and principles of visual communication such as sketches, mood boards, storyboards, sitemaps, wireframes and mock-ups
Generate a conceptual model of a possible solution by applying systems thinking that identifies system boundaries, properties, inputs and outputs, user interface, system controls
Symbolise and explain useability principles, including accessibility, effectiveness, safety, utility and learnability
Symbolise and explain a variety of interfaces
Explore and use the elements and principles of visual communication elements are limited to space, line, colour, shape, texture, tone, form, proportion and scale
Explore and use the elements and principles of visual communication principles are limited to balance, contrast, proximity, harmony, alignment, repetition and hierarchy
Generate ideas using innovation and collaboration
Recognise and describe user-interface components such as user hardware and peripheral devices used for input and output [QCAA, 2017]