Add Scoring

Now we have all our moving part, it’s time to reward the player for their efforts, and what better way to reward them, than using scoring.

GameFrame is an event-driven framework, so the easiest way in incorporate scoring it to connect it to various events.

We will be providing the player with both positive and negative scoring events:

  • Rescuing an astronaut → +50 points

  • Shooting an asteroid → + 5 points

  • Shooting an astronaut → -10 points

Lets work out how we can incorporate this into our code.

Display Score


First thing we need to do is find the scoring mechanism. Look to the GameFrame Documentation under the Globals variables you will see a variable called SCORE. We can use this to keep track of the score.

Next we need to work how we can draw numbers onto the screen. Again, referring to the GameFrame Documents you will notice the Text Object which specialises in displaying text. The docs also tell us that it is a special type of RoomObject, so we can treat it like a RoomObject. The __init__() requires extra arguments when you instantiate a TextObject. The TextObject also has a method to write new text values to the screen.

So we have our two mechanisms for recording and displaying the score. Before we start changing the score, lets try to display the current SCORE on the screen.



In the Objects folder create a new file called, then enter the following code:

 1from GameFrame import TextObject, Globals
 3class Score(TextObject):
 4    """
 5    A class for displaying the current score
 6    """
 7    def __init__(self, room, x: int, y: int, text=None):
 8        """
 9        Intialises the score object
10        """         
11        # include attributes and methods from TextObject
12        TextObject.__init__(self, room, x, y, text)
14        # set values         
15        self.size = 60
16        self.font = 'Arial Black'
17        self.colour = (255,255,255)
18        self.bold = False
19        self.update_text()

File name and class name can differ

Before we unpack this code, it is worth noting that, for the first time, the name of the class and the file name differs. They don’t have to be the same. We are going to have two HUD (Heads Up Display) elements: score and lives. It make sense to keep these two classes in the same file. Alternatively we could have made two files and You will find that in coding there are many valid paths to the destination.

Exploring this code a bit more:

  • line 1: the Score class is a TextObject and the variable SCORE is part of GameFrame.Globals so these need to be imported.

  • lines 7-12:

    • define the class as a subclass of the TextObjects class

    • identifies four arguments that must be passed when creating a Score object

      • room → the room the object will be placed in

      • x → the x coordinate for the object

      • y → the y coordinate for the object

      • text → the text that is going to be displayed

  • lines 15-18: sets all the font values for the text

  • line 19: write the text to the screen. Without the method call nothing will appear on the screen.


Open and add the highlighted code below:

1from Objects.Title import Title
2from Objects.Ship import Ship
3from Objects.Zork import Zork
4from Objects.Asteroid import Asteroid
5from Objects.Laser import Laser
6from Objects.Astronaut import Astronaut
7from Objects.Hud import Score

Save and close


Finally we need to add the Score to the GamePlay class.

Open Rooms/ and add the highlighted code.

 1from GameFrame import Level, Globals
 2from Objects.Ship import Ship
 3from Objects.Zork import Zork
 4from Objects.Hud import Score
 6class GamePlay(Level):
 7    def __init__(self, screen, joysticks):
 8        Level.__init__(self, screen, joysticks)
10        # set background image
11        self.set_background_image("Background.png")
13        # add objects
14        self.add_room_object(Ship(self, 25, 50))
15        self.add_room_object(Zork(self,1120, 50))
17        # add HUD items
18        self.score = Score(self, 
19                           Globals.SCREEN_WIDTH/2 - 20, 20, 
20                           str(Globals.SCORE))
21        self.add_room_object(self.score)

Save and close Rooms/ then run to see if our score appears on the screen.

Changing score

We have a score on our screen, now we need a way to change that score. Looking at our objective, certain collision events will result in points being awarded or taken away. The easiest way to achieve this is to create a method that can be called to update the score.


The score updating method will need to do two things:

  1. change the value of the global score variable

  2. write the new score on the screen

Expressing that in an IPO table:

score update IPO

Lets put that into code.


Open Objects/ and add the following code to the end of the Score class

21    def update_score(self, change):
22        """
23        Updates the score and redraws the text
24        """
25        Globals.SCORE += change
26        self.text = str(Globals.SCORE)
27        self.update_text()

Breaking that code down:

  • line 21: defines a method used to change the score

  • line 25: adjusts the Global.SCORE value by the provided change argument

  • line 26: changes the value of the Score’s text to the new value of Globals.SCORE

  • line 27: writes the new text to the screen

Save and close and then run the game with to test for any errors.

Adding scores to collisions

Our objective identify three collisions we want to add scoring to:

  1. Laser → Asteroid

  2. Laser → Astronaut

  3. Astronaut → Ship

We already have event handlers for all three of these collisions, so we just need to adjust them.

Lets start with the Laser ones.


Open Objects/ and add the highlighted text to the handle_collision method.

39    # --- Event handlers
40    def handle_collision(self, other, other_type):
41        """
42        Handles laser collisions with other registered objects
43        """
44        if other_type == "Asteroid":
47        elif other_type == "Astronaut":

Unpacking these lines:

  • line 46: responds to the Asteroid collision event (ie. laser shoots an asteroid) by increasing the score by 5

  • line 49: responds to the Astronaut collision event (ie. laser shoots an astronaut) by decreasing the score by 10

Save and close Objects/

Onto the Astronaut & Ship collisions


Open Objects/ and add the highlighted code to the handle_collision method:

31    # --- Event Handlers
32    def handle_collision(self, other, other_type):
33        """
34        Handles the collision event for Astronaut objects
35        """
36        # ship collision
37        if other_type == "Ship":

Line 39 work exactly the same as the last two calls to update_score, but this time it add 50 to the score.

Save and close Objects/


Time to test our code. We just made three changes to the code so we want to check for the success of all three changes. To do this we will use a testing table consisting of four columns:

  • Test: Lists what you are testing

  • Expected results: State what you expect the result to be

  • Actual results: Record what the actual result was when you tested

  • Remedy: If the actual results differ from the expected results, record has you fixed the problem.

Below is our testing table with the first two columns completed. Copy it down and finish it off.


Expected results

Actual results


Laser shoots asteroid

score + 5

Laser shoots astronaut

score - 10

Ship collects astronaut

score + 50

Commit and Push

We have finished and tested another section of code so we should make a Git commit.

To do this:

  1. In GitHub Desktop go to the bottom left-hand box and write into the summary Added scoring.

  2. Click on Commit to main

  3. Click on Push origin

Now the work from this lesson is committed and synced with the online repo.

Completed File States

Below are all the files we used in this lesson in their finished state. Use this to check if your code is correct.


 1from GameFrame import TextObject, Globals
 3class Score(TextObject):
 4    """
 5    A class for displaying the current score
 6    """
 7    def __init__(self, room, x: int, y: int, text=None):
 8        """
 9        Intialises the score object
10        """         
11        # include attributes and methods from TextObject
12        TextObject.__init__(self, room, x, y, text)
14        # set values         
15        self.size = 60
16        self.font = 'Arial Black'
17        self.colour = (255,255,255)
18        self.bold = False
19        self.update_text()
21    def update_score(self, change):
22        """
23        Updates the score and redraws the text
24        """
25        Globals.SCORE += change
26        self.text = str(Globals.SCORE)
27        self.update_text()


1from Objects.Title import Title
2from Objects.Ship import Ship
3from Objects.Zork import Zork
4from Objects.Asteroid import Asteroid
5from Objects.Laser import Laser
6from Objects.Astronaut import Astronaut
7from Objects.Hud import Score


 1from GameFrame import RoomObject, Globals
 3class Laser(RoomObject):
 4    """
 5    Class for the lasers shot by the Ship
 6    """
 8    def __init__(self, room, x, y):
 9        """
10        Inistialise the laser
11        """
12        # include attributes and methods from RoomObject
13        RoomObject.__init__(self, room, x, y)
15        # set image
16        image = self.load_image("Laser.png")
17        self.set_image(image, 33, 9)
19        # set movement
20        self.set_direction(0, 20)
22        # handle events
23        self.register_collision_object("Asteroid")
24        self.register_collision_object("Astronaut")
26    def step(self):
27        """
28        Determine what happens to the laser on each tick of the game clock
29        """
30        self.outside_of_room()
32    def outside_of_room(self):
33        """
34        removes laser if it has exited the room
35        """
36        if self.x > Globals.SCREEN_WIDTH:
39    # --- Event handlers
40    def handle_collision(self, other, other_type):
41        """
42        Handles laser collisions with other registered objects
43        """
44        if other_type == "Asteroid":
47        elif other_type == "Astronaut":


 1from GameFrame import RoomObject
 3class Astronaut(RoomObject):
 4    """
 5    Class for the astronauts escaping from Zork
 6    """
 8    def __init__(self,room,x,y):
 9        """
10        Initialise the astronaut instance
11        """
12        # include attirbutes and method from RoomObject
13        RoomObject.__init__(self,room,x,y)
15        # set image
16        image = self.load_image("Astronaut.png")
17        self.set_image(image,50,49)
19        # set travel direction
20        self.set_direction(180, 5)
22        # handle events
23        self.register_collision_object("Ship")
25    def step(self):
26        """
27        Determines what happend to the astronaut on each tick of the game clock
28        """
29        self.outside_of_room()
31    # --- Event Handlers
32    def handle_collision(self, other, other_type):
33        """
34        Handles the collision event for Astronaut objects
35        """
36        # ship collision
37        if other_type == "Ship":
41    def outside_of_room(self):
42        """
43        removes astronauts that have exited the room
44        """
45        if self.x + self.width < 0: