Hub Inputs

Pybrick Documentation

To explore all Pybricks’ features check the Pybricks documentaion. This can also be seen in the right-hand panel of the Pybricks IDE.

The Prime Hub has two features that can provide input to the robot

  • buttons

  • inertial measurement unit (IMU)


The Prime Hub has four buttons, as shown below.

Hub Buttons

Buttons Functions

Pybricks has only one function to detect the pressing of a button:

  • buttons.pressed()→ Collection[Button] → Checks which buttons are currently pressed.

    • returns a tuple of buttons currently being pressed.

    • button values are:

      • Button.LEFT

      • Button.RIGHT

      • Button.CENTER

      • Button.BLUETOOTH

Buttons Example

Now explore how this functions works.

  1. Create a new file called

  2. Type the code below into the file

  3. Predict what you think will happen.

  4. Run your code

 3from pybricks.hubs import PrimeHub
 4from pybricks.pupdevices import Motor, ColorSensor, UltrasonicSensor, ForceSensor
 5from pybricks.parameters import Button, Color, Direction, Port, Side, Stop, Icon
 6from pybricks.robotics import DriveBase
 7from import wait, StopWatch
 9# --- SETUP
10# start components
11hub = PrimeHub()
13# store variables
15# --- RUNNING
16while True:
17    # read sensor data
18    pressed = hub.buttons.pressed()
20    # process data
22    # output data
23    if Button.LEFT in pressed:
24        hub.display.icon(Icon.ARROW_LEFT)
25    elif Button.RIGHT in pressed:
26        hub.display.icon(Icon.ARROW_RIGHT)
27    elif Button.CENTER in pressed:
28        hub.display.icon(Icon.CIRCLE)
29    elif Button.BLUETOOTH in pressed:
30        hub.display.char("B")
31    else:


  • lines 3 - 7 → imports all the Pybricks command for use with your robot

  • line 10 → initialised the hub

  • line 14 → creates an infinite loop

  • line 15 → checks to see what buttons are currently being pressed and saves the to pressed

  • line 17 → checks to see if Button.LEFT is one of the buttons being pressed

  • line 18 → displays a left arrow on the light matrix

  • line 19 → checks to see if Button.RIGHT is one of the buttons being pressed

  • line 20 → displays a right arrow on the light matrix

  • line 21 → checks to see if Button.CENTER is one of the buttons being pressed

  • line 22 → displays a circle on the light matrix

  • line 21 → checks to see if Button.BLUETOOTH is one of the buttons being pressed

  • line 22 → displays a B on the light matrix

  • line 26 → turns the display off.


  • make the light matrix display a down arrow if both Button.LEFT and Button.RIGHT are being pressed


The IMU is a sensor that can detect how the robot is moving. The sensor is configured around the x-axis, y-axis and z-axis as indicated in the image below.

hub axes

Rotation along each axis has a specific name:

  • Roll is rotation along the x-axis

  • Pitch is rotation along the y-axis

  • Yaw is rotation along the z-axis, but it is not yet implemented.

IMU Orientation Functions

Pybricks offers two functions that informs the hub’s orientation:

  • imu.up()→ Side → Checks which side of the hub currently faces upward.

    • side values are:

      • Side.TOP

      • Side.BOTTOM

      • Side.LEFT

      • Side.RIGHT

      • Side.FRONT

      • Side.BACK.

  • imu.tilt()→ Tuple[int, int] → Returns the pitch and roll angles in a tuple (pitch, roll)

IMU Orientation Example

Use the code below to explore how these functions works.

  1. Create a new file called

  2. Type the code below into the file

  3. Predict what you think will happen.

  4. Run your code

 1from pybricks.hubs import PrimeHub
 2from pybricks.pupdevices import Motor, ColorSensor, UltrasonicSensor, ForceSensor
 3from pybricks.parameters import Button, Color, Direction, Port, Side, Stop
 4from pybricks.robotics import DriveBase
 5from import wait, StopWatch
 7# --- SETUP
 8# start components
 9hub = PrimeHub()
11# store variables
13# --- RUNNING
14while True:
15    # read sensor data
16    up  = hub.imu.up()
17    pitch, roll = hub.imu.tilt()
19    # process data
21    # output data
22    print(up, "\t", pitch, "\t", roll)


  • lines 3 - 7 → imports all the Pybricks command for use with your robot

  • line 10 → initialised the hub

  • line 13 → creates an infinite loop

  • line 14 → gets which side of the hub is facing up and stores it in up

  • line 15 → gets the tuple containing the tilt values, stores the first tuple value in pitch and the second tuple value in roll

  • line 17 → prints the values of up, pitch and roll to the Pybricks terminal


  • what is the highest and lowest roll value you can get?

  • what is the highest and lowest pitch value you can get?

  • what happens if you remove both "\t", from line 17?